Public Art Tour
Fine Feathered Friends
Gary and Tonnie Hovey & Jim Perrine | Stainless Steel Flatware | Google Map
Fine Feathered Friends could be called Tine Feathered Friends for all the forks used in making the feathers! The male, female and two chicks are made entirely of forks, knives and spoons. The challenge in applying colors to these peafowl was to make the male brilliantly vivid while the hen and chicks are subtle and muted. But we had to try, because what’s a peacock without his color?

Art Park
Lu Miller | Paint, Metal | Google Map

Spirit of Energy
Karen Crain | Bronze | Google Map
Spirit of Energy by Karen Crain of Colorado is a strong female figure representing three natural renewable energy sources. She holds the sun high above her head, the wind blows her hair and garment behind her, and water pours from her extended hand. She stands on a globe, as all humanity does, underlining man’s responsibility to use the earth’s natural resources ethically. Karen’s inspirations come from many different sources- from song lyrics, day to day observations or a inner thought that needs to be expressed. She states, “Everyday we all experience a complex mix of emotions and I try to bring these out in my work by telling a story that is unique to each viewer.”

Rock Ants Roll
Al Belleveau | Stone & Steel | Google Map
Ants and their antics have fascinated me since early childhood and I still spend time crouched over anthills observing their societies. Rock Ants Roll is an anthropomorphic attempt to bring larger ants into my audience’s life, with the hope that we can slow down long enough to see the cities of activity below our feet.

Dale Lewis | Stainless Steel | Google Map
Dale Lewis’s Godzilla was the People’s Choice Award winner in 2015. Dale says, “It was between a dinosaur and Godzilla. I picked Godzilla because he’s funny, he’s only 10′ tall for transport, and because my studio has just a 10′ 8” ceiling. I borrowed Godzilla from a friend’s collection, it’s nice to have a 3-D model; usually I work off photos. Godzilla’s rough texture allows me to use my smallest pieces of stainless scrap. I watched my first Godzilla movie after deciding to make him.

Debra Zelenak | Bronze | Google Map
Guidance by Debra Zelenak of Wyoming was the People’s Choice winner of the 2012 CityArt Walking Sculpture Tour. Debra is an avid hiker and while on the trails in Colorado, she frequently came across cairns, which are manmade piles of stone, often conical, marking trails and at the top of mountain peaks. In some areas, piles of rocks used to mark hiking trails are called “ducks” or “duckies,” and are named because some would have a “beak” pointing in the direction of the route. A trail through barren terrain is not as clear as a trail through the woods, thus the need for cairns. Debra states, “The path we take through life is full of twists and turns. Sometimes we have to choose one path over another. Guidance is a combination of a pile of rocks and small birds or duckies that have guided us on our life journey.” This beautiful bronze sculpture is Debra’s interpretation of life’s cairn and the many paths we take.

Bob’s Passion
John Hughes | Recycled Horse Shoes | Google Map
Bob’s Passion is a tribute to my Grandpa Bob and his love of horses.

Greg Mueller | Decommissioned Pipes, Steel, Plantings Shoes | Google Map
We turn the knob or lever and without hesitation, water, our automatic life force, passes by unseen through little moments of our daily lives. Waterworks magnifies this seemingly mundane act by celebrating the unconscious interaction with water and honors it though a playful exaggeration of a plumbing fixture’s inherent sculptural qualities.

Adventure Tales
Marianne Caroselli | Bronze | Google Map
I convey happiness in all my sculptures. I want the viewer to walk away remembering my art with a smile on their face. I have been sculpting since 1989 and enjoying every moment in creating art that will last lifetime after lifetime.

New Life
Janesville, Waldorf, Pemberton (JWP) High School Advanced Metal Sculpture Class | Steel | Google Map
New Life was the 2018 People’s Choice award winning sculpture from the City Art Walking Sculpture Tour. This sculpture was created by a collaboration of skills and ideas by students in Advanced Metal Sculpture Class at J.W.P. High School. The artwork represents a rebirth of life from a cold, dark world.

Eat, Shop, Stay
From LoNo to UpNo, you will find interesting boutiques, yummy eats and wonderful hospitality throughout the city. Check it out!